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Our school 

   The "Feješ Klara" primary school is one of the two oldest schools in Kikinda. It was founded way back in 1812 as the Parochial people’s school and was a part of the Roman Catholic chapel. The number of pupils attending it kept growing and therefore, in 1893, construction began on a new school building which was finished three years later. Because of its beauty and architectural value the building is under state protection.

   In the 1950/1951 school year the institution became a primary school which offers an eight-year education. Its initial name was "Primary school No 2" and only later it was named after the national hero Feješ Klara. Since the 1956/1957 school year, the teaching is done in two languages, Serbian and Hungarian.

   The gym and the woodshop classroom were added in 1980. The school also has specialised classrooms for physics, biology, chemistry and IT. There is also a library with a reading room and about 8000 books. Since the 2005/2006 school year the school has been offering afterschool programmes again, where the pupils have the chance to get help while studying, doing their homework and spending quality free time.

  In the schoolyard there are courts for handball and basketball, and green spaces with benches and flowers. The yard was renovated in 2007 and provides the best conditions for doing sports.

   The Saint Sava Day is celebrated at the school every year. There is always a recital and the ceremonial patron saint’s day cake cutting. However, the most festive day is the School day. Klara’s youth, dreams and love for life were cut abruptly and that is why the school celebrates March 21st as its special day. It’s the first day of spring, which symbolises youth, beauty and the awakening of life. On that day many celebrations are organised in the school, both cultural and sports ones, and all the pupils of our school take part in them, as well as some guests from other schools.

  Our school is situated at the heart of Kikinda and it is surrounded by historical monuments which remind us of the past, turbulent times. The school itself has, for two centuries, stood proudly as a sort of a monument to knowledge and success of the former students, as well as an example to present and future generations.